About Us
We are a 501(c)(3) transforming higher education for Muslim students through advocacy, coalition-building, and education.

Our mission is to elevate the needs of Muslim students on college campuses across the country.
Our vision is that Muslim students will have the resources and support to authentically express their Muslim identity on college campuses.
Areas of Work
We champion the rights of Muslim students to practice their faith with dignity and peace of mind leveraging data collected from the community. From advocating for religious accommodations to serving as a voice against discrimination, we partner with campus leaders to protect religious freedom and create an environment where Muslim students can thrive.
We connect with Muslim chaplains, faculty, and staff to create a vibrant tapestry of Muslim voices and leadership to improve higher education for Muslim students. Beyond Muslim spaces, we forge meaningful partnerships with interfaith groups, cultural organizations, and campus leadership to transform allies into advocates.
We empower Muslim students and families to make informed decisions about higher education by providing comprehensive insights into campus life through our resources. We guide institutions in developing sustainable support systems and policies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to Muslim student success and flourishing.

Abiya Ahmed
Associate Dean, Stanford

Asma Malik
Associate Director of Admissions, NYU

Joshua Salaam
Muslim Chaplain, Duke

Salman Khan
First Year Adviser, Harvard
Rich Experience
We have over 30+ years of higher education experience admitting, mentoring, and serving students.
Deeply Commited
We are committed to supporting and advocating for Muslim students as they begin and complete college.
Highly Skilled
We have served as Chaplains, Deans, Admissions Readers, and Directors at various universities.